Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear mom and dad...

A successful letter will explain:
• Explain what you now understand that convinced you to leave to leave Wherton.
• What you have learned about society and life, the importance of freedom

Dear Mom and Dad,

First of all, I believe you have probably wondered why Henry and I escaped from home. Since I was feeling adventurous, I believed that I would be freer in the White Mountains! In feeling this way I was correct. However, it was extremely difficult to reach the White Mountains. On this journey I experienced love, sadness, freedom and occasionally shown kindness. Also, I made many new friends. A couple of them were Eloise and Beanpole. Actually, it was Beanpole's intelligence that eventually leads Henry and me to the White Mountains, and finally achieving our goal. All in all, I learned that if I worked hard I would achieve the goal I set out to accomplish. And in the end, I learned how freedom was such an incredible thing, and in turn, how the trip to the White Mountains had helped me put my life into perspective in light of adversity.

Throughout my journey in the White Mountains I was continually plagued by influenza. At one time I even came down with a high fever. Regardless, that did not stop me from finding a beautiful castle and falling in love with a girl named Eloise. She was the only daughter of Comte and Comtesse. They were under the influence of the Tripods. One day there was a sports tournament at the castle. It was at this time that Eloise left me and happily went to the City of the Gold to serve the Tripods. And it was from that day on that I learned not to trust anyone who was capped and under the control of the Tripods. It seemed that everyone who was capped were slaves and did the bidding of Tripods. In the end, I found freedom to be a little more attractive and fascinating. I am sorry to report you so late. I hope you live happily in Wherton in currentcy.



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