Monday, March 21, 2011

Harry Ancient Egypt Diary #1

Journal 1, the 5th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom

December 21, 1565 B.C

Today was a very engaged, boiling day. I woke up at eight in the morning due to the chickens that were screeching. As soon as I woke up, I ate my breakfast as usual. It was a normal sandwich. I ate my breakfast with my son NebneferI, my daughter Hamen, my father Tumain and my wife Neshi. These days eggs were very expensive so I couldn't effort anymore eggs. After eating my breakfast I went out to do my daily exercises. After doing few exercises, I brought my flutes with me to the temple. I and my musician friend, Tumin met along the way out of our valley. So we walked to the temple together. It was a long way to the temple. I had to get out of the valley and walk beside the Nile River for an hour. Since the temple was far away I always had to walk a distant way from my valley. In my valley, there were full of cheap and small mud house for the poor artisans and the peanuts however, near the palace there were enormous and strong stone houses. They were commonly owned by high society people such as the government official. When I reached the temple, the priests revealed that there was a new young Pharaoh. Tutankhamen has become the new Pharaoh. He was the 5th Pharaoh of his dynasty. So I and my orchestra friends had to depart in the palace and play music in the ceremonies. Usually when a man or a woman became the Pharaoh there were huge ceremonies that happen.

This duration, Tutankhamen has become the new Pharaoh. As soon as the report from the priests shot through my ears, I started to change. I changed to a very luxury cloth than I was wearing in current. It was a clean silk skirt. It was very kaleidoscopic and well-designed. I had to wear it. Like we predicted, we had to go to the Pharaoh's palace and had to entertain music for the new Pharaoh. I was very concerned and disquiet just like the other dancers and musicians. This was probably the first and last time I will be in the palace playing music in my life. When I realized I was there, I took a good look appearance. There were doctors, mummy makers and most of them were the government officials or priests. The little Pharaoh was sitting on an exquisite golden chair in front. The palace was full of architectures and arts; probably the scribes designed and wrote them. There were drawings of gods and goddess and our culture on the walls. It was shaded in many different colors. There was one of the deities that I worshiped the most. His name was ‘’Anubis.’ He was the god of death. He was formed as a jackal. He is the god who take cares of the afterlife. There were many drawings of him on the walls. He was the most important god of all of Egypt. There were other important god and goddesses too. It was astonishing. In the palace I had to play the flute, drums and harp in the orchestra. Even the chair I sat had delightful drawings of musicians. To play in the temple, all of us had to be professionals not just amateurs who played outside the streets. I, as a man was allowed to play as much as instruments I can. The little Pharaohs didn’t see to enjoy our songs. It was probably because he was too young. No child would like to watch an orchestra playing music. My favorite music that I played was called ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow’ I played my instrument for centuries and finally the ceremony finished. I was immensely exhausted. It was time to go back home.

Night Time....
After a day of busy ceremonies, I head back to my stone house with the money I got from priests. It was the money for playing in the ceremonies. I was cheerful. When I was heading back, my son NebneferI asked me for music while farming, so I played my flute while I was walking by the hard working farmers and my son. After entertaining the peanuts with beautiful songs, I almost forgot to order some wheat before the inundation starts so that after the inundation I can have rich and delectable wheat in cheap price. Since I played them music they took off some price of the wheat I was going to purchase. That was probably because I was quite warmhearted in the valley. While going back beside the Nile River, I ordered some fish from the fisher woman, Neshi before the inundation was going to start. It was too dangerous for fisher-men and fisher-women to fish during the inundation, so I always ordered fish before the inundation was going to start. After I ordered some wheat and fish, I saw the Sycamore trees that have grown more massive than last year. It had alluring red flowers. I got back home after an hour of walking. I was absolutely tired. I also had to relocate my house before the inundation starts. My son Nebnefer was also worried about our mud house. Our house was very ancient and it was not powerful enough itself to keep safe from the flooding water. I and my family determined to move our mud house at least five-hundred meters away from the Nile. The Nile-river grew three times bigger during the inundation, so we had to move an extended distance. This time we decided to make our house with stones which was more modern and stronger. After an extended period of time, we ate our dinner. We ate two laves bread, five coconuts and a liter of beer. It was extraordinarily luscious. Most of the bread we ate was made with rich ingredients such as salt from the Red Sea and wheat from the Nile ricer. The dinner was very generous. The last event I have or had is probably writing my dairy on my unstable chair. I hope I have a good night sleep. It was a very eventful day.

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