Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do governments have a duty of care to their citizens and as such should they provide free access to books in the form of libraries?

1. Do governments have a duty of care to their citizens and as such should they provide free access to books in the form of libraries?

Yes, I extremely agree that governments have a duty of care to their citizens and provide free access to books in the form of libraries. Libraries give people opportunity to learn to experience ideas, critical thinkings, exploring different minds. Education is also important for infants who are growing. Also, not everything is in the internet. Internet might be a good fact browser however, libraries provide unique and unknown facts to any citizens. All in all, I believe that governments should require care to their citizens by providing free access to books in the form of libraries.

First, without libraries people who can't access the internet or books can never find answers. People are born with different advantages. Those advantage might include, wealthy family, high intelligence, safe neighborhood, etc. Some people don't appear to get enough education. They cannot afford books to themselves. Therefore, public libraries are open for people like them. The resources in libraries are available to everyone regardless of age, gender, race or income level. In most places, they are available to residents of the city completely without cost. In brief, libraries should be opened for people who can't afford libraries and people who need accurate resources.

Second, libraries are necessary because they improve people's language skills. Many children can improve their language through reading books and researching for resources. Also, libraries offers resources to people who wants to learn about anything they want. Books offer in-depth knowledge that is not available online in most cases. There are also usually current newspapers and periodicals available for reading in the library. To summarize, I believe that libraries provide lifelong learning.

In conclusion, I hypothesize that governments require care to their citizens by providing free access to books in the form of libraries. Without libraries people who can't access the internet or books can never find answers. Also, libraries are necessary because they improve people's language skills. All in all, I observe that governments should open free access to all the citizens.

Read more: Why Are Public Libraries Important? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_6185467_public-libraries-important_.html#ixzz1d0nuanuE

Sources: Pictures and facts from <

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Name

Harry or Chan Wook, What kind of person has two names? My Korean name means bright and outstanding. My English name means an army ruler. Both of my names are too common. It’s as common as those Indonesian islands scattered all over the ocean.
Park Chan Wook is really common Korean name and ‘Harry,’ don’t even talk about it. It didn’t feel right to maintain my Korean name in an international world. So, I named myself the name, Harry. In ISKL, my name Harry is more suitable than anything. It is as suitable as my cloak.

Unlike others, my English name was chosen, not from my parents or my brother however, I chose it. When I named myself Harry, I didn’t even know what my name really meant. Different like other names, I just wanted my name to be ‘Harry’ because many characters from the books I read were usually named Harry. However, on the other hand, my Korean name comes from my grandfather, who died of a heart attack. He made bunch of different unique names by writing particular names in traditional Chinese characters. He chose the most meaningful one. My Korean name can be written as traditional Chinese characters in meanings. My name in Chinese characters mean outstanding and bright. He concluded the meaning ‘outstanding’ because he wanted my voice to be as loud as Barack Obama’s voice.

Nine is my name in number. I was born on January 9th, 1998 and nine is always known in my life. 1998, one plus eight is nine (number 1-99-8) and I was born on the date nine. I am not an extremely nerdy math guy, however nine just suits me.

I think my English and both Korean names are priceless because it is not unique and nobody makes insults for my name however, my dislikes to my name is that it is too common. Both my names are priceless, yet common names in each culture. I feel uncomfortable around people who have identical names or same names like I do. Sometimes, when I am around different Harries, people make fun of us by calling us our name and if either of us responds, people pretend they were talking to the other Harry. My name will be never exchanged if offered. A Korean surname and English first name, both names represent my identities, internationalism and nationality. Harry a boy wizard with potential greatness. Just right for an immature person like me.

Screenshot from, http://www.google.com.my/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Harry+Park%3F%3F

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be Who You are!!

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

— Dr. Seuss

This is the title of my blog because I believe people should believe in themselves. Without believing themselves they can't do anything independence. For example, Martin Luther King Jr believed himself by dreaming that black and white will obtain same amount of justice or fairness. All the notables lived their life by being who they are. That is why they are known as notables. All in all, I believe that all the people in the world should be who they are.

First, I chose this quote because when I was six I tried to be normal like other people but I found it boring so I just became being myself. From that day on I thought I shouldn't be acting normal and just be myself. When I joined ISKL I made many friends because I was who I am. This is why I chose this important quote from Dr. Seuss as my title. In conclusion, trying to be other people is extremely unnecssary.

Second, if you be who you are, you can have an interesting patteren of life. You can be more comfortable in your life. Therefore, many people should be themselves without thinking they are different. Even though you are diffrent from other people or recieve insults from people who appear to be a bully, you should be yourself because if you are not you cannot be anybody. Also, say what you want to say because if you don't you can never be a human. In summary, don't act, be YOURSELF.

Lastly, people should really be themselves in a positive way. This quote is important because people try to be like other people but they can't be like other people if they are who they are. Also, if you be who you are you can create a peculiar life pattern. In breif, be who you are and say what you feel.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The end is near..... THE FINAL BLOGPOST

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

There are many pieces of work we've done this year. They are lit circles, blog-posts, TTT projects, Ancient Egyptian Diaries and etc. The piece of work I am most proud of is my final lit circle I did with the book called 'The White Mountains.' I am proud of my final lit circle because I provided a lot of evidence to it. I put more effort on it than it was required. That is why I think I earned an A+ on it. Also, I was proud of the work because I received a way better grade than I did on my first lit circle project. It obviously tells me that I grew this year in writing. I believe I worked hard to provide a lot of evidence to my literature circles. That is why I am proud of my final lit circle.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

My greatest challenge was mostly in math. My final MAPS testing score I got was 261 and my first MAPS testing score I got for math was 248. Both of my MAPS score were beyond 6th grade average level. Furthermore, I had a great improvement through out grade six MAPS testing in math. I improved my MAPS testing score for math by 13 points which was a great improvement this year. The IM1 test was a challenge for me too. The test was for people who wanted to skip 7th grade math. Indeed, I was one of them. The test was a challenge for me because only ten people out of all the 6th grade students were available to skip 7th grade math. In the end, I was able to pass the test and do 8th grade math in 7th grade.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?

In the beginning of 6th grade, we found out what our learning profile was. My learning profile was L which stood out for gestalt. I can learn better when I see big pictures. Unlike logic people, I roll on to work right away without planning. I also don't usually show my progress of work when I do math problems too. People like me are normally not organized well. Gestalt people don't start their project early when it is given, they leave their project until the last minute. All in all, these are what stands up about my learning skill & profile.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved

Perfect - the model student. I wouldn't call myself perfect, however, my behavior at school is pretty much awesome. I usually don't talk when somebody is talking and I listen to people's opinion and thinkings. Sometimes, I show leadership to my classmates when there is something I am good at. In conclusion, I believe my behavior is excellent.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class. I am not active on the first few weeks of the year, but I am active when I get to know everybody in my class. I am afraid I also get too active with my friends. When I don't know something, I ask questions. In math, when Mrs, Smith chooses students to explain some math problems, she would normally choose me to explain them. All in all, I believe I actively participate in class.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
Satisfactory I am not good in organization. My organization was below average. I sometime leave my work to the last minute and don't finish at the end. It happened to my friend Nick and I when we had to do our project and found out that we were not organized. I think my organization skills should be improved.

I'm super organized

d) Effort

Needs serious help
Satisfactory I always go above and beyond what is required. When I am assigned homework like literature circles, I provide more evidence than I am required. That is the reason why I usually get A for my lit circles. I always try my best on every work I am assigned to do.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to work on my organisation skills.I am not good at organizing. Brining all the homework on the day it is due, bringing my pencil case and etc. About only 75% of this year, I had good organizing skills, however, it was below 6th grade average organization skills. So, I am looking for getting moe organized.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to work on my participation skills more than usual. I am normally scared to participate in the beginning of the year, so I want to improve on being active on the beginning of the year. That is my second goal.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

Yes, it is about my personality that I am very sensitive and not neat. That is all I want the teacher to know about me.

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

I think that the class of 2018 should get use to middle school and be always active and participate in class. Also, the new Grade 6 students should be organized. Organization is needed because without organization, they can't get their homework done in time or be prepared for class. They also should be respectful, kind, honest and responsible. All in all, if they are good at these, they will be able to succeed grade 6.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dear mom and dad...

A successful letter will explain:
• Explain what you now understand that convinced you to leave to leave Wherton.
• What you have learned about society and life, the importance of freedom

Dear Mom and Dad,

First of all, I believe you have probably wondered why Henry and I escaped from home. Since I was feeling adventurous, I believed that I would be freer in the White Mountains! In feeling this way I was correct. However, it was extremely difficult to reach the White Mountains. On this journey I experienced love, sadness, freedom and occasionally shown kindness. Also, I made many new friends. A couple of them were Eloise and Beanpole. Actually, it was Beanpole's intelligence that eventually leads Henry and me to the White Mountains, and finally achieving our goal. All in all, I learned that if I worked hard I would achieve the goal I set out to accomplish. And in the end, I learned how freedom was such an incredible thing, and in turn, how the trip to the White Mountains had helped me put my life into perspective in light of adversity.

Throughout my journey in the White Mountains I was continually plagued by influenza. At one time I even came down with a high fever. Regardless, that did not stop me from finding a beautiful castle and falling in love with a girl named Eloise. She was the only daughter of Comte and Comtesse. They were under the influence of the Tripods. One day there was a sports tournament at the castle. It was at this time that Eloise left me and happily went to the City of the Gold to serve the Tripods. And it was from that day on that I learned not to trust anyone who was capped and under the control of the Tripods. It seemed that everyone who was capped were slaves and did the bidding of Tripods. In the end, I found freedom to be a little more attractive and fascinating. I am sorry to report you so late. I hope you live happily in Wherton in currentcy.



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lit. Circle Blogpost #4 The Tripods!

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111)

In two well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest of the chapter relates to the theme, freedom.

This quote that Will thought, proves that he learned that it was necessary to earn freedom without a free mind to direct itself. In the Castle with the Red Tower, capping was one part of important ceremony of becoming a knight, and a lady. 'For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady.' Will knew that if he stays he will get capped forever. There was a choice. Freedom or richness. This quote also told, that Will couldn't believe how capped could earn freedom under Tripods' control. He believed that he would earn freedom somehow but under the Tripods' control. 'He believed.' He had a choice, FREEDOM OR ELOISE.

Eloise was basically freed. She could do whatever she wanted under the Tripods' control and Will knew that people in the castle was freed. He, himself was freed there. Somehow freed but he didn't know what 'living-under-the-Tripods' control was. If he stayed he would not earn real freedom but he could do whatever he wanted with Eloise but still had to be the salves of the Tripod. He had temptation with money and Eloise, but also freedom. Freedom or Eloise....... This was the choice. The choice of his future. "To the south. To the White Mountains. With a hard life at the journey's end. But a free one. Well?" (pg. 35) This was an article from the book that proved that the journey to the White Mountains is going to be extremely dangerous. I don't think it is quite easy for Will to reach the White Mountains. If he stayed with Eloise, he didn't had to search for food due to the money Comte had. This quote from page 111 is short but I believe that it is very important.

Picture from, http://s164.photobucket.com/albums/u11/maniolas06/?action=view¤t=29378-fsfreedom.jpg