Thursday, September 23, 2010

Help or...

Just before I came to ISKL, I was in a Korean school called 'Do Gok elementary school'. During those days, I was very popular. When I was in the class, I realized that there was a new student. He wasn't a good sports player but instead he over weighted. In class, people laughed at him and made fun of him. I decided to stand up for him but I couldn't. Peoples who bullied the new boy were my best friends. Courage was what I needed. Since they were my best friends, I told them to stop but they didn't. Instead, my best friends asked me to join to the bullying group. I had to. I had to.... Everyday, my friends bullied and pushed the new boy. I also bullied him because my friend dared me to do it. Once, one of my friends, Ted took the new boy's books and dumped it on to the toilet water that was when he never came back to our class. After a few weeks, the new boy never came back to our school. My Korean teacher told us that he left the school because his parents wanted him to move to a different school. I and my friend knew it was lie. It was because of us, It was because we bullied him.
Few months later, my family moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. When I thought about the new kid that I bullied, I felt extremely uncomfortable because now I was the 'new boy'. A few weeks past, I came to ISKL. I wondered if students in ISKL would treat me as I treated the new student that I bullied. They didn't, as I predicted. They were much nicer. 
Now in 6th grade, instead of joining the bullies I would stand up for people who are bullied. If someone was bullying someone, I would tell the teacher or tell them to stop. Like A.J. Muste said 'There is no way to peace; peace is the only way', I will maybe I should respect and be nice to people to create peace, like my friends do to me.
This year I will try to achieve my goal by standing up for my friend, and not making my friends feel bad.
Sources from,

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