Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wealth between the North and the South

Most of the wealth are found in North of the earth because people in the Southern earth, who developed history didn't invent or tried new things. For example, In Papua New Guinea, their ancestor didn't started metals, technologies and all of that. As you see below in the big map, Japan, South Korea, United States of America, Europe are the upper part of countries who developed languages, communities, centuries ago while Southern people didn't even think of it. During the Paleolithic, Neolithic times, people in the upper world generated more things while people in Southern part survived like hominids.

Second, humans that survived in Africa, Central Asia didn't developed new ways of living but instead, they did what their ancestor had done. They survived in land where jungles were. They didn't had good animal sources like New Zealand, Australia has. They didn't get a lot of sources from their nature like New Zealand got their drinks and food from the sheep but Africans, Central Asians (Paleolithic, Neolithic peoples) got one source from animals, meat, their important kind of food that was needed for their survival. Since they needed enough food for their own, they searched for food instead of inventing and developing new way of survival and technology. While they searched for food for their daily life, people in the Northern earth, invented new weapons, and found uncommon, strong materials like metal but Why? Why is Northern wealthier and stronger than the Southerns?

Third, Northern is stronger, wealthier than the Southern because in Asia and Europe, there are more space to trade and communicate. There are not much trading and communications in a island country like Papua New Guinea full of jungles. It also might have been the affects of the nature near them. Jungles, mountains, hot and clod continent and much more. There are difference between a lot of different continent which caused humans, affects and their wealth.

Lastly, I would like to talk about all of the sources that affected the humans. Nature, the amount of time they used to search, hunted for food and their use of time. These are what I think that most affected humans' wealth. I hoped you enjoyed my blog. Thank you!

Pictures and Facts from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealt

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