Thursday, February 10, 2011

The great king Khufu!!!


For the past few days in humanities class, we have been working on our Ancient Egypt - Pharaoh Assignment. We had to make a 3~5 minute movie describing our assigned Pharaohs. The king I got assigned was King Khufu. My partner and we finished out video by today. Below this there is a YouTube video that we did in humanities class. Hope you enjoy it!!

1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?

Some Pharaohs built monuments because they wanted to show the world that Egypt was strong and rich but the some others Pharaohs built the pyramid because of their religious beliefs of afterlife. For example, my assigned king Khufu, built pyramid because he wanted to show his beliefs in the afterlife and his royalty. The monuments also show what the Pharaohs did in their lives. Many Pharaohs built the pyramids and put there treasure and furniture because they believed in afterlife.

2. What monuments in our society similar?

I think the pyramid is similar to Eiffel Tower and the famous city-sized mausoleum guarded by a life-sized Terracotta army, and a massive national road system, all at the expense of numerous lives made by 'Qin Shi Huan,' the first Chinese Emperor. The similarities between all of them are that they are all monuments. They were all monuments that were built in ancient times. The monument that 'Emperor Qin Shi Huan' was a huge under-city monument made by Emperor Qin Shi Huan was also made because of his strong beliefs of afterlives

3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?

Using Google Docs helped me learn more things about King Khufu. While I searched for facts about King Khufu and typed on my Google docs document I got to know more facts about them. It was also easy to communicate even though Zifan, my partner live far away. We could open the document and record at the same time. Google Docs was very helpful.

4. What did you learn from this assignment?

First I learned that using Google docs with my partner was very useful to learn and communicate. Using Google Docs and searching for facts made me learn more about Pyramid of Giza. I learned why Khufu wanted to build Pyramid of Giza, why he wanted to reflect his beliefs and etc. Second, I learned that I have to use my time wisely when I did my recording in Imovie. I kind of messed up the Imovie but Zifan and I problem solved and did well on out Imovie.

5. What was challenging?

Our challenge was working hard on our assignment so that we can get 100% on it. It was complicated for me and Zifan to do our recording in one day. When we made mistakes on each one of them we always redid it. So our main challenge was not to make mistakes while recording but it turned to be good when there is one or two mistakes in the recordings!! So we finished our project in good quality on the day it was due.

6. Which school-wide learning results were evident in this assignment?

According to the school-wide learning results, I had to use in this assignment were collaborate constructively, communicate effectively, and think creatively. We have to collaborate constructively to work with my partner, and make sure we get our Imovie done in time. I had to communicate effectively to do this, if I did this alone I would not be able to finish my project. We also thought creatively by making our script and putting different pictures on our Imovie.


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